Ad Guidelines & Rates

Directories are distributed free to all postal patrons in the region and delivered to concierges and guest services desks of regional hotels.

All of our paying advertisers will receive the following:

  1. Display ad size of your choice
  2. Business name and phone number listed by business type in the front Business Service Listing section.
  3. Digital version of our directory, posted online. Download it for free!


North Kohala Business Directory distribution – 2,351
Waimea/Hamakua Business Directory distributon – 10,790

Ad Size North Kohala Waimea-Hamakua
Horizontal Business Card Ad — 3.5” x 2” $176 $255
Vertical Business Card or Double Business Card Ad — 3.5” x 4” $330 $465
1/2 Page Ad — 3.5” x 5” $355 $495
Full Page Ad — 3.5” x 10” $645 $900
1/2 Page Display Ad with 1/2 page Editorial — 3.5” x 10” $645 $900

Line item listings: 

  • North Kohala $35
  • Waimea/Hamakua $55
  • or list in both directories for just $75

Premium Placement

Premium placement of display ads is on a first-come first-served basis, except for the cover which is also subject to approval by the editor. Here are the available choices and costs:

Premium Placement & Ad Size North Kohala Waimea-Hamakua
Front Cover — 4.25” x 9.5” (full bleed)
Includes 1/2 page write up of the artist and artwork featured on page 2.
(The cover is reserved for galleries or artists and should depict a theme related to the region)
$765 $1,060
Inside Front Cover — 3.5” x 10” $765 $1,060
Inside Back Cover — 3.5” x 10” $710 $985
Center fold — 3.5″ x 10″
(left or right panel — double cost if both)
$710 $985
Page 1 — 3.5” x 10” $765 $1,060
Back Cover — 4.25” x 9.25” (full bleed) $765 $1,060


This is a full-page ad divided into two sections. Half of the page is a display ad, and the other half is a text-only editorial (story) which describes the advertiser’s business activity.  This option is perfect for businesses that provide services which may be a little out of the ordinary and require more description to fully educate potential customers of the service being provided. Editorial copy is limited to 1500 characters (including spaces).


Submit a high resolution file (PDF, EPS, TIF, JPEG) which meets the following specs:

  • high resolution file suitable for offset printing
  • color space is CMYK (not RGB)
  • all fonts are embedded
  • size of ad matches the purchased space

Email your artwork to

If there are any problems with your submitted ad, you will be notified prior to publication so that these issues can be corrected.  Correction of graphical issues may incur a nominal additional charge that you will be advised of in advance. 


If you would like your ad to be your business card, please email a high resolution (1050×600 minimum) 600 dpi of your card to OR mail your card before December 20 to:

Pamela Huggins, Editor
PO Box 198900 PMB 206
Hawi, HI 96719


If you do not have an ad, we can design it for you for $50. Please send your images and/or artwork with copy to

For answers to any questions, contact Pamela at (808) 895-8769 or


Please send your check or money order payable to HIRBD and mail to:

Pamela Huggins, Editor
PO Box 198900 PMB 206
Hawi, HI 96719

PayPal or Square will be used for credit card payments. Processing fees may be added.


To reserve your space in the 2025 editions, click here: